Ausgrid Public Consultation on Capital Projects

Ausgrid has been delivering one of Australia’s largest infrastructure programs over five years which aimed to renew and replace the nation’s largest network of electricity substations, poles, and wires (cost: $8 billion).
Key investments:
- 49 new major substations across NSW
- Replacing 296km of 33,000 Volt and 132,000 Volt cables
- Expanding $170 million intelligent network program
- Investing over $2.2 billion alone on the 11,000 Volt electricity network

Ausgrid community consultation. Source: Ausgrid
Managing Public Consultation across Hundreds of Projects and across Multiple Teams
Ausgrid has been using Darzin to manage the stakeholder interactions in public consultation for over 150 capital works projects across NSW. The engagement activities range from distribution of construction notifications & project newsletters, meetings, doorknocks, emails, phone calls, 1800 hotline to community information displays, etc.
Darzin stakeholder engagement software provides tools for consistent data management and reporting across all projects within a region or across the organisation. The same classification tree which comprises of theme and sub-themes is used for the categorisation of stakeholder feedback across all projects. This enables the teams to consistently track & report on stakeholder issues across the operations.
Darzin also makes information sharing across the teams easy which enables learning across the teams. When a stakeholder profile is updated, all team members benefit instantly from the new information.
These are important aspects of the stakeholder engagement software considering the number of community engagement teams working on different projects in different regions across NSW.
Every day Darzin is accessed by community engagement staff from Ausgrid, their alliance partners and their teams of consultants. Specific user access levels were created in Darzin so Ausgrid’s alliance partners and consultants can log in to their relevant projects and do their tasks within Darzin while Ausgrid has the oversight of all public consultation data captured in Darzin.